Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sexting-good or bad? Love on the internet?

So, I'm wondering--is sexting good or bad? I know based on experience 'men' like sexting or sending sexual images via texting which is really what sexting is. I was wondering because I've landed in a few situations myself where I get to know guys 'pretty well' I guess and I will roleplay-it usually for me starts out in the online mmorpg game I play like and I'll roleplay in messages and they ask me for my email which I don't mind giving out. Then my cell phone number-I've only let a total of three guys have my number, one of which recently asked me to be his gf-girlfriend over the internet-after roleplaying. He likes and wants sexting-it's tempting I must admit, the last time, I just found 'fakes' and sent them to him which seemed to keep him satisfied. Lately I've been ignoring him-when he IMs me. I mean, I'm just not sure-is sexting good or bad and can one find love over the internet?

Goodbye Law&Order SVU, Goodbye Neal Baer

Friday, September 17, 2010

Angelina Jolie Speaks out against Koran Burning

Angelina Jolie--she spoke out against the Koran burning much like our president, President Obama. I think that was great of Angelina to do so. I think it was ultimately good that the guy did not decide to burn the Koran because that would have caused conflict between the United States and the people of Pakistan, etc. Also I do not think that it is morally right to burn anyone's holy book. Burning the Koran would be like if someone burned our Holy Bible for those of us who are Catholics.

Appeal for Pakistan/News on Pakistan

Simply put, Angelina's appeal for the horrible disaster in Pakistan and a few news things about Pakistan. Let us pray for the people of Pakistan or donate if we can.

Angel Angelina in Pakistan

Just watch the different videos. I think Angelina Jolie is an angel of a celebrity to help Pakistan and the UNHCR out. As much as people want to continually bash on her dark past and what her choices were back then. They clearly did not get the wake up call that Angelina has put that behind her, her choices are simply her family and helping those less fortunate and working on movies to bring in that money that will contribute to her cause for helping other countries as well as of course keep her and her family alive. We need to HELP much more than we do for not only Pakistan but Africa and the other places as well!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bloody Hell, the HEAT!

I seriously think I may be melting! This heat has got to go!
I wish there was a swimming pool nearby, because I would jump
into that. Of course feeling as hot as I feel right now, I may just jump into the
coldest stream, lake or whatever is closest! I could honestly dump icecubes
over myself right now....if given long enough, I feel as if I could melt myself
O_o I think I LOVE the cold season more!

I'm trying to feel cool with not only my fan on, but these two songs by Santana, its all in the references to heat LOL.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt

I must say that Angelina and Brad Pitt are such a great couple. You can tell that when they kiss in public, they kiss because they love each other. They don't just kiss to show PDA in public like some celebrities. Also, its really cute when they each take time and watch the kids and stay home with the kids at different times. Its nice of Brad to watch the kids when Ange is filming a movie or movie(s). Its nice that Ange watches the kids when Brad films a movie or movie(s). They have a great life that balances each other out between celebrity and both of them being humanitarians and trying to help the world out. They are genuine people who both have laid back personalities. It would be so amazing to meet one or both of them, if I had the chance to meet one of them, I hope it would be Angelina, because she's a real role model for me. I like how she decided to adopt most of her children except for one. Too bad that Angelina doesn't post blogs on the internet. Though she apparently started a twitter account to save the handle @AngelinaJolie, although it is not yet up and running according to various sources. Angelina may eventually use it near the end of the month or so, however if and when she does use it, the twitter account will be used to update people/fans on her causes and what things to donate too to help the world. She has already stated that she will not be tweeting about her personal life....which is good because honestly no one needs to know about her personal life.
I heavily think that Angelina Jolie is not cheating on Brad, it seems like a very long shot since Angelina loves Brad with all of her heart. Also, it seems odd that Jen would be able to steal Brad Pitt back because Jennifer did not want kids while Brad did and that is why they broke up. Brad likes being with Angelina who like him was ready for kids. They are a couple that I think will surmount all odds and live for a long time which is good. Brad and Angelina are a couple that many should look up to.