Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Poem for Bishop Cordileone

Okay, so Bishop Cordileone....I'm not sure if he ever looks on the internet for anything about himself...wait of course he doesn't....he's probably too busy. Although....i'm just going to post a poem I wrote. Bishop Sal was the inspiration for the of course was God, Jesus, Mary and all the saints. :)

Title: Poem 4 Bishop Salvatore
Posted On: 2010-07-08 03:22:02
Mood: blogging

One of Sicilian descent

one sent by God the most High...

How holy and mighty the most High is...

One of the papacy

This one has "red hat" (cardinal) marked upon him.

We shall await patiently the day this one takes up the throne of the Pope.

For he is the one that is the most dedicated.

Praise be to Jesus, God and Mary for sending him to San Diego,
allow him to come into the world unbroken and unmatched.

He is a savior....the Lionheart savior.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Black versus White

We need to pray for the result of the White cop who shot the Black teenager. We need to pray that the result of the trial does not result in violence whichever way they rule. The ruling is going to be today at 4:30pm. So pray, wait and pray some more. God Bless the Bay Area in this difficult and most likely anxious time as we wait on edge.

Bishop Cordileone ordains deacons and subdeacons Institute of Christ Italy June 30

June 30-- Bishop Salvatore Cordileone of our diocese of Oakland was at the Institute of Christ in Italy. There, he ordained deacons and subdeaons for that week. I think it is really awesome and cool when we read about these things. Bishop Cordileone is definitely going to new and higher places. We need many more bishops and priests like Bishop Cordileone and we need to defend the church and them as well. They are the future of the church and they make the church and everything so much better. We also need to remember to pray daily for these wonderful preachers/leaders as well. Bishop Cordileone is one of the greatest leaders and preachers that I have seen...he is truly a role model for us young people. considering that I am twenty...which is young! XD

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Reign of Blood MMORPG game

A great game if you like to play online is based on vampires. The only thing that gets to someone is the amount of marrying and divorcing : this particular vampire game, one can marry the other players who are in the game. I was young and nieve I could say when I first started and I married, cheated, and divorced several guys. Until I met Deathly Hallows....he was the one *draws big heart around his name* *sighs* In real life he was from Canada although I learned that he was originally from the United Kingdom. Actually funnily enough...but most of my marriages in game have lasted the longest with "men" from the United Kingdom. Odd....though no wonder I crush so much on those British actors XD

Now I have an excuse why *giggles* As of late...I've been torn, broken and everything least thats the way I feel when I login...since my "Mr. Right hunting" has not been going on so well in game. :( *sobs* At least its just a game *hehe* although....I have recently come to know this one guy....dunno much about his rl...although I guess he's African American...he told me he's black. Anyways....his name in game is Aspen Leon(Tigerian) he's been able to keep up in terms of roleplaying, he's everything I want in game....although I still yearn for Angelus Nightshade and of course several others as well...*sighs* In game sucks when one goes through so many divorces and heartbreaks...I thought only rl was supposed to happen.

Two other good marriages in game were with Mastema of Wolfsblood....I will never forget him...dominant though he may be and a real sexy man in rl--saw his pictures :p *licks lips slightly* The other was Legion(White Tiger) he's rl....about 50 or so rl...though he's really awesome and everything and he's still such a great friend! I will cherish both Legion and Mastema as friends forever. Those three men are "game friends" I guess.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Ending HIV means fighting Homophobia....I think NOT!

I came across this particular sign on the bus I take to San Rafael....well at least that is where I always transfer to get to the Del Norte bart station where my Dad picks me up when I go back home from Santa Rosa. Anyways this sign caught my attention and got me a bit perturbed. It got me perturbed because of what the sign says "Ending HIV means fighting Homophobia." In my opinion HIV has nothing to do with is wrong to suggest such a thing. HIV is a sexually transmitted disease and it anyone could technically contract HIV...not just same-sex couples. On the other hand...Homophobia is a fear of homosexuals. People are not afraid of homosexuals because they are the higher rate of people who contract HIV. Although it is really lame when their "community" posts this type of sign on a bus. It is one more reason why I agree with Bishop Cordileone about homosexuals. If same-sex marriage is accepted...if prop 8 is overturned and same-sex marriage is accepted....our society will be very different indeed. Signs like this will probably show up even more...signs that do not even make sense. Signs that focus more on same-sex couples than other things like what movie is coming out....or maybe even the latest fashion...or the latest play. I think I would much rather have that information tacked to a bus than this sort of a sign that we helping to end HIV means fighting homophobia which is not ture at all! Their "community" needs to wake up and live with the fact that as of now we are where we are in terms of what happened. Also, overturning something already passed in my opinion is one form of "cheating." It means to me that some people just cannot live with what happened and they are fighting the system. The system which is ultimately guided by fate...