Monday, May 17, 2010

May 14, 2010 Oridination mass of Fr. Ian Mendoza

Friday Night, we made our way to the cathedral. My mom and I stopped by and picked up my aunt on our way. We went because my mom had to sing in the choir yet again for the Oakland cathedral. That cathedral the Cathedral of Light is so beautiful inside, I still do not understand how the image of Jesus pixelated in the front made such a huge controversy. Personally I like the fact that the cathedral has that image. I like that image because it is not your usual image of Jesus suffering. Besides, the cathedral still has their own main crucifix, so what more do people want? Do they want to see a life size image of Jesus on the cross instead of him giving everyone the sign of peace? Now honestly, that would be terrible! The picture of Jesus is fine the way it is.

Anyways continuing on with what the mass was about, the mass was the oridination of Ian Mendoza. Now Father Ian Mendoza, it was interesting for my mom and I having never seen an ordination mass before. The way he laid down prostrate in front of the altar, that was really moving to see. As well as the fact that near the end both Bishop Salvatore and Bishop Cummins recieved Fr. Ian Mendoza's first blessing, that was something! That was very powerful seeing that because how many times does one get to see both of the bishops recieve a first blessing by a priest? I bet if he remembers one thing it would be that he gave both bishops his first blessing.

The downside was that after mass there was a reception. Both my mom and I wanted to go, my aunt and I waited until my mom was finished changing since she had to pull off those great looking cathedral choir robes. While she was switching to her regular clothes, my aunt and I had to go to the restroom. So we went to the other side, my aunt I could tell was tired afterwards. So, in the end we did not go to the reception, we just left and went back home. Although, this is the rest of what happened, my encounter with Bishop Salvatore :) before we left: my aunt hurried back to wait for my mom, I was following hurriedly, although I paused when I saw Bishop Salvatore, he was saying hi to all the other priests before he entered the reception. I shook Bishop Salvatore's hand saying "Hi Bishop Salvatore." I figured why not say "hi" since he is the Bishop after all and he was behind me. He caught my eyes and my eyes met his.

I felt very reverent and humbled to be that close to the Bishop. It is something to acknowledge the fact that the Bishop is like a celebrity in the Religious world. Bishop Salvatore plays it off nicely. He does not act arrogant or rude in any way, he simply is just himself. I never quite understand the way I end up feeling so reverent or humbled whenever I meet these religious figures such as Bishops. Although perhaps it is because I still have that gnawing in the back of my head that tells me I should be a nun...that I have a higher purpose, one that I have not yet fulfilled. Although one that I have not said yes too.

Perhaps it is because I feel like I can escape it for a good while. Although I find as much as I do try to pull away, that gnawing is in the back of my mind constantly to become a nun. Who knows? Maybe I will, maybe I won't.

All I know is, the ordination mass was one I will never forget in my mind. The ordination mass and the chrism mass. The chrism mass is another such mass I will never forget that I still have really good memories of and really good memories of the Bishop himself.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah. This is Fr. Ian Mendoza. Thank you for attending my ordination and please extend my regards and gratitude to your mother. Thank you for this wonderful blog entry. I have to say that the liturgy in general was very moving. I hope to meet you in person in the near future. My first parish will be St. Joan of Arc in San Ramon, I hope you can visit me sometime. Take care always. My blessings to you and your family. - Fr. Ian Mendoza
