Saturday, May 22, 2010

Questioning My own beliefs

It has come to my attention that from hearing Bishop Salvatore speak in so many different videos(I've watched the one about NOM from youtube, the one about kids from...I'm forgetting that website now..but I saw that one). I am beginning to question my own beliefs....before in a post I noticed that I said I was against Prop 8 which I was at that time...which I have been for most of the time.

However I have recently started to question my own beliefs, and I am beginning to see Bishop Salvatore's ideas of thinking when it comes to the matter of marriage. His excellency Bishop Salvatore is not adamnantly criticizing gay marriage. However he is stating that kids will be affected.

I can see this point of view because the "usual" representation of marriage is having both a mother and a father. Not two mothers or two fathers, as well we must question how people find each other when in a relationship. Since of course we know biologically speaking that males don't usually like males and females don't like females.

"Opposites attract.....likes repel"

That is a good quote to me at least that gay marriage, or rather same sex relationships hold no standing biologically speaking. Since in biology they even use that quote "opposites attract, likes repel." Biology follows religion in that area and agrees with religion.

Perhaps it is because of a psychological reason that there are many who find themselves in a same-sex relationship.

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