Monday, June 28, 2010


Last was interesting and I drew conclusions on my bus ride home.

God works in mysterious ways, there is no doubt about that.
Lately, I have been thinking of becoming a nun, I know God is calling me to be one.
I honestly don't mind because i love to help others, and that is what this life is for.
This life is to see how many people we can help, and to discern and figure out
what we are called to do and to be.

Our current bishop of Oakland, Bishop Sam "Salvatore" Cordileone struggled to
fight to figure out what he was called to do. I feel so similar to him in that respect
because I am still trying to figure such things out. However I really do believe that
God is calling me to be a nun.

My life...I grew up going to Catholic school except for college. Then, I've made so
many friendships with priests and nuns in my twenty years of life. Today while on
the bus, I felt his call once more. There were two people on the bus, one elderly
woman and one middle aged. They both needed help and there was no one to help
except for me and the bus driver.

Two Days Ago

Two days ago, I was in Walgreens with my mom. As we were going around the store, I went into the book section. Funnily enough, I went into the book section and a bible caught my attention lol! I thought it was funny that a Bible caught my attention as well as some other prayer books. Perhaps since I've started to read the Bible even more now and perhaps because I've been thinking so much about God and questions and perhaps the fact that God is calling me to be a nun.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A never ending story of Same-Sex marriage and Gang Wars....

Now the side against prop 8 is trying to get it overturned, Oi vey! Honestly, if they do get prop 8 overturned good for them! However at the same time, it is going to be a never ending story simply because then those for prop 8 are going to try to overturn whatever allowed gay marriage. So really, this is going to be a never ending story unless a judge has the balls or maybe unless the government has the balls to step up and say that we should come to some sort of a conclusion, some sort of common ground that we both agree on.

Personally I would not mind for some common ground right now in the world with a lot of things. Then boy I did not quite understand the ways of the Oakland gangs until I saw the program last night about gang wars of Oakland. makes one wonder honestly if Oakland is a safe place. It also gets me a bit sad when thinking that most of those "gang" members are about my age. Twenty somethings with no education and no positive outlook really. They could honestly do something much more potential with their life instead of just "wasting" it on petty things like gang turf violence.

Who cares that another gang steps up on your freakin land? They honestly need to learn that they can't go around being dominant "punks." In reality.....humans are not like dogs....we should not resort to fighting over territory. Although I totally agree with fighting over the fact that another gang killed a friend....and to provoke the other gang is just idiocy! I y'all wanna get murdered and shot up? To provoke another gang is stupidity. Violence should just end. Neither one of ya'll gangs OWNS Oakland...Oakland is owned by the city and all of them.

Not by a bunch of youngsters thinking they are runnin the joint which they aren't! Ya'll are just things on a chess board to be honest. You don't OWN Oakland and all of you need to learn that. Also, all of you need to learn to be "friends" kiss and make up sheesh! Neither one of ya'll is better just because you come from a certain part of Mexico...all ya'll are equal. The sooner you learn SOMETHING....the better.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Heat Wave

Sheesh! This heat is getting on my nerves! It is so hard to focus on reading my Pharmacy text book in my room as it is so hot even when I do turn on the fan. It is also so hot that I do not feel like going outside. However I cannot wait until my tennis class starts on Tuesday. I cannot wait until my English class starts on Monday, because I already have a few ideas on the papers. I'm writing and taking religious stances on my papers! :p I already decided for the research paper I'm going to write about contraception. Naturally I'm writing from the church's side.

Hip Hop & Religion

I find myself constantly wondering what Bishop Cordileone and for that matter what any other priests think about hip hop music. Although especially the bishop...considering the fact that he is only 54. There are a lot of adults that age that like hip hop so I wonder what Bishop Cordileone in particular thinks of hip hop and any of his assistants. I wonder what any of the bishop's assistants...the priests that assist him think of hip hop. It would be quite interesting to find this out. Just for personal reference....who knows maybe their ideas would switch me off from listening to hip hop. However growing up in Richmond/ San Pablo where so many teenagers grow up around listening to nothing else but hip hop. It is no wonder why I like hip hop, besides the fact that it has good beats. Yes I admit most hip hop is derogatory to women in general. However the beats are good and it is good to dance too.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Back in Santa Rosa...

Now back in Santa Rosa for summer classes which begin on Monday the 14th. I can't wait, particularly for the English class. I have begun to look at the various topics and am writing ahead of time that way I can sort of cheat in a way(just have the teacher look at what I already wrote) I hope to continue this plan up. I must print out all of my Pharm tech class things since they are already made up--it is an online class thanks to the teacher. Then tennis should be very fun!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A little bit of exercise in Oakland....

Oakland! It is such a beautiful city, especially over near the Oakland cathedral! This week on Monday, and last Monday we drove to Oakland. My mom and I are both trying to lose weight and we have found one way. Lately during my summer break so far, I have been with my mom and our friend Bernie. We have been walking around the beautiful Lake Merrit. That lake is beautiful in the daytime. It is always so sunny as of late and it is a good three miles around the entire lake. Then the cafeteria over at the 1800 Kaiser building has a great fruit salad. The cafeteria there also has a great feta salad too!

Busy Religious weekend June 5, June 6.

June 5- It was the 25th restoration of Mission San Jose and Bishop Emeritus Cummins presided over that mass. That was a very LONG mass....especially the small pilgrimage from the old mission to the new church. It was also HOT! The heat was torture lol! My mom once again sang in a choir, she sang in the Mission San Jose choir because our friends who are friends of our aunt and uncle sang in the choir too...Bernie & Russ.

June 6- Bishop Cummins came to our parish St. David of Wales in Richmond. He came since it was our pastor Fr. John Blaker's 14th anniversary of his ordination. This time my mom, Bernie and I all sang in the choir. Yes...I was in the choir this time! :p I'm a part of the St. David of Wales choir! I love being a part of the choir...we sing baroque mainly latin...and a few English pieces. I'm an alto like my mom.

Fr. John Maxwell's funeral mass 10:30am-2pm

So today was Fr. John Maxwell's funeral mass. It was a good mass and Bishop Emeritus Cummins was there. Bishop Salvatore was there as well...he presided. Bishop Emeritus Cummins did the homily. It was a very moving mass with good songs. I wonder though what Bishop Cordileone thought of St. John's parish. Since they the type of parish that uses a band to play...a band with a guitar. Personally myself I prefer the type of choir like ours at St. David of Wales parish in Richmond CA. We sing mainly baroque....latin songs with a few songs in English. Although the songs at St. Johns for Fr. John Maxwell's funeral mass were great. Amazing Grace, that one song in the palm of his that song! As well I loved the responsorial psalm. The end song was sad the resuscito...okay I'm not sure if I spelled that right...anyways it was great!
I also got to be in the Bishop's line for communion, the other time was at Fr. Ian Mendoza's ordination mass. Today was my second time to have been in Bishop Cordileone's communion line. It was my aunt's first time finally getting to be in Bishop Cordileone's communion line.
R.I.P. Fr. John will be missed...such a great priest...