Monday, June 28, 2010


Last was interesting and I drew conclusions on my bus ride home.

God works in mysterious ways, there is no doubt about that.
Lately, I have been thinking of becoming a nun, I know God is calling me to be one.
I honestly don't mind because i love to help others, and that is what this life is for.
This life is to see how many people we can help, and to discern and figure out
what we are called to do and to be.

Our current bishop of Oakland, Bishop Sam "Salvatore" Cordileone struggled to
fight to figure out what he was called to do. I feel so similar to him in that respect
because I am still trying to figure such things out. However I really do believe that
God is calling me to be a nun.

My life...I grew up going to Catholic school except for college. Then, I've made so
many friendships with priests and nuns in my twenty years of life. Today while on
the bus, I felt his call once more. There were two people on the bus, one elderly
woman and one middle aged. They both needed help and there was no one to help
except for me and the bus driver.

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