Sunday, June 27, 2010

A never ending story of Same-Sex marriage and Gang Wars....

Now the side against prop 8 is trying to get it overturned, Oi vey! Honestly, if they do get prop 8 overturned good for them! However at the same time, it is going to be a never ending story simply because then those for prop 8 are going to try to overturn whatever allowed gay marriage. So really, this is going to be a never ending story unless a judge has the balls or maybe unless the government has the balls to step up and say that we should come to some sort of a conclusion, some sort of common ground that we both agree on.

Personally I would not mind for some common ground right now in the world with a lot of things. Then boy I did not quite understand the ways of the Oakland gangs until I saw the program last night about gang wars of Oakland. makes one wonder honestly if Oakland is a safe place. It also gets me a bit sad when thinking that most of those "gang" members are about my age. Twenty somethings with no education and no positive outlook really. They could honestly do something much more potential with their life instead of just "wasting" it on petty things like gang turf violence.

Who cares that another gang steps up on your freakin land? They honestly need to learn that they can't go around being dominant "punks." In reality.....humans are not like dogs....we should not resort to fighting over territory. Although I totally agree with fighting over the fact that another gang killed a friend....and to provoke the other gang is just idiocy! I y'all wanna get murdered and shot up? To provoke another gang is stupidity. Violence should just end. Neither one of ya'll gangs OWNS Oakland...Oakland is owned by the city and all of them.

Not by a bunch of youngsters thinking they are runnin the joint which they aren't! Ya'll are just things on a chess board to be honest. You don't OWN Oakland and all of you need to learn that. Also, all of you need to learn to be "friends" kiss and make up sheesh! Neither one of ya'll is better just because you come from a certain part of Mexico...all ya'll are equal. The sooner you learn SOMETHING....the better.

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