Friday, September 17, 2010
Angelina Jolie Speaks out against Koran Burning
Angelina Jolie--she spoke out against the Koran burning much like our president, President Obama. I think that was great of Angelina to do so. I think it was ultimately good that the guy did not decide to burn the Koran because that would have caused conflict between the United States and the people of Pakistan, etc. Also I do not think that it is morally right to burn anyone's holy book. Burning the Koran would be like if someone burned our Holy Bible for those of us who are Catholics.
Appeal for Pakistan/News on Pakistan
Simply put, Angelina's appeal for the horrible disaster in Pakistan and a few news things about Pakistan. Let us pray for the people of Pakistan or donate if we can.
Angel Angelina in Pakistan
Just watch the different videos. I think Angelina Jolie is an angel of a celebrity to help Pakistan and the UNHCR out. As much as people want to continually bash on her dark past and what her choices were back then. They clearly did not get the wake up call that Angelina has put that behind her, her choices are simply her family and helping those less fortunate and working on movies to bring in that money that will contribute to her cause for helping other countries as well as of course keep her and her family alive. We need to HELP much more than we do for not only Pakistan but Africa and the other places as well!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Bloody Hell, the HEAT!
I seriously think I may be melting! This heat has got to go!
I wish there was a swimming pool nearby, because I would jump
into that. Of course feeling as hot as I feel right now, I may just jump into the
coldest stream, lake or whatever is closest! I could honestly dump icecubes
over myself right now....if given long enough, I feel as if I could melt myself
O_o I think I LOVE the cold season more!
I'm trying to feel cool with not only my fan on, but these two songs by Santana, its all in the references to heat LOL.
I wish there was a swimming pool nearby, because I would jump
into that. Of course feeling as hot as I feel right now, I may just jump into the
coldest stream, lake or whatever is closest! I could honestly dump icecubes
over myself right now....if given long enough, I feel as if I could melt myself
O_o I think I LOVE the cold season more!
I'm trying to feel cool with not only my fan on, but these two songs by Santana, its all in the references to heat LOL.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt

I must say that Angelina and Brad Pitt are such a great couple. You can tell that when they kiss in public, they kiss because they love each other. They don't just kiss to show PDA in public like some celebrities. Also, its really cute when they each take time and watch the kids and stay home with the kids at different times. Its nice of Brad to watch the kids when Ange is filming a movie or movie(s). Its nice that Ange watches the kids when Brad films a movie or movie(s). They have a great life that balances each other out between celebrity and both of them being humanitarians and trying to help the world out. They are genuine people who both have laid back personalities. It would be so amazing to meet one or both of them, if I had the chance to meet one of them, I hope it would be Angelina, because she's a real role model for me. I like how she decided to adopt most of her children except for one. Too bad that Angelina doesn't post blogs on the internet. Though she apparently started a twitter account to save the handle @AngelinaJolie, although it is not yet up and running according to various sources. Angelina may eventually use it near the end of the month or so, however if and when she does use it, the twitter account will be used to update people/fans on her causes and what things to donate too to help the world. She has already stated that she will not be tweeting about her personal life....which is good because honestly no one needs to know about her personal life.
I heavily think that Angelina Jolie is not cheating on Brad, it seems like a very long shot since Angelina loves Brad with all of her heart. Also, it seems odd that Jen would be able to steal Brad Pitt back because Jennifer did not want kids while Brad did and that is why they broke up. Brad likes being with Angelina who like him was ready for kids. They are a couple that I think will surmount all odds and live for a long time which is good. Brad and Angelina are a couple that many should look up to.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Poem for Bishop Cordileone

Title: Poem 4 Bishop Salvatore
Posted On: 2010-07-08 03:22:02
Mood: blogging
One of Sicilian descent
one sent by God the most High...
How holy and mighty the most High is...
One of the papacy
This one has "red hat" (cardinal) marked upon him.
We shall await patiently the day this one takes up the throne of the Pope.
For he is the one that is the most dedicated.
Praise be to Jesus, God and Mary for sending him to San Diego,
allow him to come into the world unbroken and unmatched.
He is a savior....the Lionheart savior.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Black versus White
We need to pray for the result of the White cop who shot the Black teenager. We need to pray that the result of the trial does not result in violence whichever way they rule. The ruling is going to be today at 4:30pm. So pray, wait and pray some more. God Bless the Bay Area in this difficult and most likely anxious time as we wait on edge.
Bishop Cordileone ordains deacons and subdeacons Institute of Christ Italy June 30

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Reign of Blood MMORPG game
A great game if you like to play online is based on vampires. The only thing that gets to someone is the amount of marrying and divorcing : this particular vampire game, one can marry the other players who are in the game. I was young and nieve I could say when I first started and I married, cheated, and divorced several guys. Until I met Deathly Hallows....he was the one *draws big heart around his name* *sighs* In real life he was from Canada although I learned that he was originally from the United Kingdom. Actually funnily enough...but most of my marriages in game have lasted the longest with "men" from the United Kingdom. Odd....though no wonder I crush so much on those British actors XD
Now I have an excuse why *giggles* As of late...I've been torn, broken and everything least thats the way I feel when I login...since my "Mr. Right hunting" has not been going on so well in game. :( *sobs* At least its just a game *hehe* although....I have recently come to know this one guy....dunno much about his rl...although I guess he's African American...he told me he's black. Anyways....his name in game is Aspen Leon(Tigerian) he's been able to keep up in terms of roleplaying, he's everything I want in game....although I still yearn for Angelus Nightshade and of course several others as well...*sighs* In game sucks when one goes through so many divorces and heartbreaks...I thought only rl was supposed to happen.
Two other good marriages in game were with Mastema of Wolfsblood....I will never forget him...dominant though he may be and a real sexy man in rl--saw his pictures :p *licks lips slightly* The other was Legion(White Tiger) he's rl....about 50 or so rl...though he's really awesome and everything and he's still such a great friend! I will cherish both Legion and Mastema as friends forever. Those three men are "game friends" I guess.
A great game if you like to play online is based on vampires. The only thing that gets to someone is the amount of marrying and divorcing : this particular vampire game, one can marry the other players who are in the game. I was young and nieve I could say when I first started and I married, cheated, and divorced several guys. Until I met Deathly Hallows....he was the one *draws big heart around his name* *sighs* In real life he was from Canada although I learned that he was originally from the United Kingdom. Actually funnily enough...but most of my marriages in game have lasted the longest with "men" from the United Kingdom. Odd....though no wonder I crush so much on those British actors XD
Now I have an excuse why *giggles* As of late...I've been torn, broken and everything least thats the way I feel when I login...since my "Mr. Right hunting" has not been going on so well in game. :( *sobs* At least its just a game *hehe* although....I have recently come to know this one guy....dunno much about his rl...although I guess he's African American...he told me he's black. Anyways....his name in game is Aspen Leon(Tigerian) he's been able to keep up in terms of roleplaying, he's everything I want in game....although I still yearn for Angelus Nightshade and of course several others as well...*sighs* In game sucks when one goes through so many divorces and heartbreaks...I thought only rl was supposed to happen.
Two other good marriages in game were with Mastema of Wolfsblood....I will never forget him...dominant though he may be and a real sexy man in rl--saw his pictures :p *licks lips slightly* The other was Legion(White Tiger) he's rl....about 50 or so rl...though he's really awesome and everything and he's still such a great friend! I will cherish both Legion and Mastema as friends forever. Those three men are "game friends" I guess.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Ending HIV means fighting Homophobia....I think NOT!

I came across this particular sign on the bus I take to San Rafael....well at least that is where I always transfer to get to the Del Norte bart station where my Dad picks me up when I go back home from Santa Rosa. Anyways this sign caught my attention and got me a bit perturbed. It got me perturbed because of what the sign says "Ending HIV means fighting Homophobia." In my opinion HIV has nothing to do with is wrong to suggest such a thing. HIV is a sexually transmitted disease and it anyone could technically contract HIV...not just same-sex couples. On the other hand...Homophobia is a fear of homosexuals. People are not afraid of homosexuals because they are the higher rate of people who contract HIV. Although it is really lame when their "community" posts this type of sign on a bus. It is one more reason why I agree with Bishop Cordileone about homosexuals. If same-sex marriage is accepted...if prop 8 is overturned and same-sex marriage is accepted....our society will be very different indeed. Signs like this will probably show up even more...signs that do not even make sense. Signs that focus more on same-sex couples than other things like what movie is coming out....or maybe even the latest fashion...or the latest play. I think I would much rather have that information tacked to a bus than this sort of a sign that we helping to end HIV means fighting homophobia which is not ture at all! Their "community" needs to wake up and live with the fact that as of now we are where we are in terms of what happened. Also, overturning something already passed in my opinion is one form of "cheating." It means to me that some people just cannot live with what happened and they are fighting the system. The system which is ultimately guided by fate...
Monday, June 28, 2010
Last was interesting and I drew conclusions on my bus ride home.
God works in mysterious ways, there is no doubt about that.
Lately, I have been thinking of becoming a nun, I know God is calling me to be one.
I honestly don't mind because i love to help others, and that is what this life is for.
This life is to see how many people we can help, and to discern and figure out
what we are called to do and to be.
Our current bishop of Oakland, Bishop Sam "Salvatore" Cordileone struggled to
fight to figure out what he was called to do. I feel so similar to him in that respect
because I am still trying to figure such things out. However I really do believe that
God is calling me to be a nun.
My life...I grew up going to Catholic school except for college. Then, I've made so
many friendships with priests and nuns in my twenty years of life. Today while on
the bus, I felt his call once more. There were two people on the bus, one elderly
woman and one middle aged. They both needed help and there was no one to help
except for me and the bus driver.
God works in mysterious ways, there is no doubt about that.
Lately, I have been thinking of becoming a nun, I know God is calling me to be one.
I honestly don't mind because i love to help others, and that is what this life is for.
This life is to see how many people we can help, and to discern and figure out
what we are called to do and to be.
Our current bishop of Oakland, Bishop Sam "Salvatore" Cordileone struggled to
fight to figure out what he was called to do. I feel so similar to him in that respect
because I am still trying to figure such things out. However I really do believe that
God is calling me to be a nun.
My life...I grew up going to Catholic school except for college. Then, I've made so
many friendships with priests and nuns in my twenty years of life. Today while on
the bus, I felt his call once more. There were two people on the bus, one elderly
woman and one middle aged. They both needed help and there was no one to help
except for me and the bus driver.
Two Days Ago
Two days ago, I was in Walgreens with my mom. As we were going around the store, I went into the book section. Funnily enough, I went into the book section and a bible caught my attention lol! I thought it was funny that a Bible caught my attention as well as some other prayer books. Perhaps since I've started to read the Bible even more now and perhaps because I've been thinking so much about God and questions and perhaps the fact that God is calling me to be a nun.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
A never ending story of Same-Sex marriage and Gang Wars....
Now the side against prop 8 is trying to get it overturned, Oi vey! Honestly, if they do get prop 8 overturned good for them! However at the same time, it is going to be a never ending story simply because then those for prop 8 are going to try to overturn whatever allowed gay marriage. So really, this is going to be a never ending story unless a judge has the balls or maybe unless the government has the balls to step up and say that we should come to some sort of a conclusion, some sort of common ground that we both agree on.
Personally I would not mind for some common ground right now in the world with a lot of things. Then boy I did not quite understand the ways of the Oakland gangs until I saw the program last night about gang wars of Oakland. makes one wonder honestly if Oakland is a safe place. It also gets me a bit sad when thinking that most of those "gang" members are about my age. Twenty somethings with no education and no positive outlook really. They could honestly do something much more potential with their life instead of just "wasting" it on petty things like gang turf violence.
Who cares that another gang steps up on your freakin land? They honestly need to learn that they can't go around being dominant "punks." In reality.....humans are not like dogs....we should not resort to fighting over territory. Although I totally agree with fighting over the fact that another gang killed a friend....and to provoke the other gang is just idiocy! I y'all wanna get murdered and shot up? To provoke another gang is stupidity. Violence should just end. Neither one of ya'll gangs OWNS Oakland...Oakland is owned by the city and all of them.
Not by a bunch of youngsters thinking they are runnin the joint which they aren't! Ya'll are just things on a chess board to be honest. You don't OWN Oakland and all of you need to learn that. Also, all of you need to learn to be "friends" kiss and make up sheesh! Neither one of ya'll is better just because you come from a certain part of Mexico...all ya'll are equal. The sooner you learn SOMETHING....the better.
Personally I would not mind for some common ground right now in the world with a lot of things. Then boy I did not quite understand the ways of the Oakland gangs until I saw the program last night about gang wars of Oakland. makes one wonder honestly if Oakland is a safe place. It also gets me a bit sad when thinking that most of those "gang" members are about my age. Twenty somethings with no education and no positive outlook really. They could honestly do something much more potential with their life instead of just "wasting" it on petty things like gang turf violence.
Who cares that another gang steps up on your freakin land? They honestly need to learn that they can't go around being dominant "punks." In reality.....humans are not like dogs....we should not resort to fighting over territory. Although I totally agree with fighting over the fact that another gang killed a friend....and to provoke the other gang is just idiocy! I y'all wanna get murdered and shot up? To provoke another gang is stupidity. Violence should just end. Neither one of ya'll gangs OWNS Oakland...Oakland is owned by the city and all of them.
Not by a bunch of youngsters thinking they are runnin the joint which they aren't! Ya'll are just things on a chess board to be honest. You don't OWN Oakland and all of you need to learn that. Also, all of you need to learn to be "friends" kiss and make up sheesh! Neither one of ya'll is better just because you come from a certain part of Mexico...all ya'll are equal. The sooner you learn SOMETHING....the better.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Heat Wave
Sheesh! This heat is getting on my nerves! It is so hard to focus on reading my Pharmacy text book in my room as it is so hot even when I do turn on the fan. It is also so hot that I do not feel like going outside. However I cannot wait until my tennis class starts on Tuesday. I cannot wait until my English class starts on Monday, because I already have a few ideas on the papers. I'm writing and taking religious stances on my papers! :p I already decided for the research paper I'm going to write about contraception. Naturally I'm writing from the church's side.
Hip Hop & Religion
I find myself constantly wondering what Bishop Cordileone and for that matter what any other priests think about hip hop music. Although especially the bishop...considering the fact that he is only 54. There are a lot of adults that age that like hip hop so I wonder what Bishop Cordileone in particular thinks of hip hop and any of his assistants. I wonder what any of the bishop's assistants...the priests that assist him think of hip hop. It would be quite interesting to find this out. Just for personal reference....who knows maybe their ideas would switch me off from listening to hip hop. However growing up in Richmond/ San Pablo where so many teenagers grow up around listening to nothing else but hip hop. It is no wonder why I like hip hop, besides the fact that it has good beats. Yes I admit most hip hop is derogatory to women in general. However the beats are good and it is good to dance too.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Back in Santa Rosa...
Now back in Santa Rosa for summer classes which begin on Monday the 14th. I can't wait, particularly for the English class. I have begun to look at the various topics and am writing ahead of time that way I can sort of cheat in a way(just have the teacher look at what I already wrote) I hope to continue this plan up. I must print out all of my Pharm tech class things since they are already made up--it is an online class thanks to the teacher. Then tennis should be very fun!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
A little bit of exercise in Oakland....
Oakland! It is such a beautiful city, especially over near the Oakland cathedral! This week on Monday, and last Monday we drove to Oakland. My mom and I are both trying to lose weight and we have found one way. Lately during my summer break so far, I have been with my mom and our friend Bernie. We have been walking around the beautiful Lake Merrit. That lake is beautiful in the daytime. It is always so sunny as of late and it is a good three miles around the entire lake. Then the cafeteria over at the 1800 Kaiser building has a great fruit salad. The cafeteria there also has a great feta salad too!
Busy Religious weekend June 5, June 6.
June 5- It was the 25th restoration of Mission San Jose and Bishop Emeritus Cummins presided over that mass. That was a very LONG mass....especially the small pilgrimage from the old mission to the new church. It was also HOT! The heat was torture lol! My mom once again sang in a choir, she sang in the Mission San Jose choir because our friends who are friends of our aunt and uncle sang in the choir too...Bernie & Russ.
June 6- Bishop Cummins came to our parish St. David of Wales in Richmond. He came since it was our pastor Fr. John Blaker's 14th anniversary of his ordination. This time my mom, Bernie and I all sang in the choir. Yes...I was in the choir this time! :p I'm a part of the St. David of Wales choir! I love being a part of the choir...we sing baroque mainly latin...and a few English pieces. I'm an alto like my mom.
June 6- Bishop Cummins came to our parish St. David of Wales in Richmond. He came since it was our pastor Fr. John Blaker's 14th anniversary of his ordination. This time my mom, Bernie and I all sang in the choir. Yes...I was in the choir this time! :p I'm a part of the St. David of Wales choir! I love being a part of the choir...we sing baroque mainly latin...and a few English pieces. I'm an alto like my mom.
Fr. John Maxwell's funeral mass 10:30am-2pm

So today was Fr. John Maxwell's funeral mass. It was a good mass and Bishop Emeritus Cummins was there. Bishop Salvatore was there as well...he presided. Bishop Emeritus Cummins did the homily. It was a very moving mass with good songs. I wonder though what Bishop Cordileone thought of St. John's parish. Since they the type of parish that uses a band to play...a band with a guitar. Personally myself I prefer the type of choir like ours at St. David of Wales parish in Richmond CA. We sing mainly baroque....latin songs with a few songs in English. Although the songs at St. Johns for Fr. John Maxwell's funeral mass were great. Amazing Grace, that one song in the palm of his that song! As well I loved the responsorial psalm. The end song was sad the resuscito...okay I'm not sure if I spelled that right...anyways it was great!
I also got to be in the Bishop's line for communion, the other time was at Fr. Ian Mendoza's ordination mass. Today was my second time to have been in Bishop Cordileone's communion line. It was my aunt's first time finally getting to be in Bishop Cordileone's communion line.
R.I.P. Fr. John will be missed...such a great priest...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Questioning My own beliefs
It has come to my attention that from hearing Bishop Salvatore speak in so many different videos(I've watched the one about NOM from youtube, the one about kids from...I'm forgetting that website now..but I saw that one). I am beginning to question my own beliefs....before in a post I noticed that I said I was against Prop 8 which I was at that time...which I have been for most of the time.
However I have recently started to question my own beliefs, and I am beginning to see Bishop Salvatore's ideas of thinking when it comes to the matter of marriage. His excellency Bishop Salvatore is not adamnantly criticizing gay marriage. However he is stating that kids will be affected.
I can see this point of view because the "usual" representation of marriage is having both a mother and a father. Not two mothers or two fathers, as well we must question how people find each other when in a relationship. Since of course we know biologically speaking that males don't usually like males and females don't like females.
"Opposites attract.....likes repel"
That is a good quote to me at least that gay marriage, or rather same sex relationships hold no standing biologically speaking. Since in biology they even use that quote "opposites attract, likes repel." Biology follows religion in that area and agrees with religion.
Perhaps it is because of a psychological reason that there are many who find themselves in a same-sex relationship.
However I have recently started to question my own beliefs, and I am beginning to see Bishop Salvatore's ideas of thinking when it comes to the matter of marriage. His excellency Bishop Salvatore is not adamnantly criticizing gay marriage. However he is stating that kids will be affected.
I can see this point of view because the "usual" representation of marriage is having both a mother and a father. Not two mothers or two fathers, as well we must question how people find each other when in a relationship. Since of course we know biologically speaking that males don't usually like males and females don't like females.
"Opposites attract.....likes repel"
That is a good quote to me at least that gay marriage, or rather same sex relationships hold no standing biologically speaking. Since in biology they even use that quote "opposites attract, likes repel." Biology follows religion in that area and agrees with religion.
Perhaps it is because of a psychological reason that there are many who find themselves in a same-sex relationship.
Monday, May 17, 2010
May 14, 2010 Oridination mass of Fr. Ian Mendoza
Friday Night, we made our way to the cathedral. My mom and I stopped by and picked up my aunt on our way. We went because my mom had to sing in the choir yet again for the Oakland cathedral. That cathedral the Cathedral of Light is so beautiful inside, I still do not understand how the image of Jesus pixelated in the front made such a huge controversy. Personally I like the fact that the cathedral has that image. I like that image because it is not your usual image of Jesus suffering. Besides, the cathedral still has their own main crucifix, so what more do people want? Do they want to see a life size image of Jesus on the cross instead of him giving everyone the sign of peace? Now honestly, that would be terrible! The picture of Jesus is fine the way it is.
Anyways continuing on with what the mass was about, the mass was the oridination of Ian Mendoza. Now Father Ian Mendoza, it was interesting for my mom and I having never seen an ordination mass before. The way he laid down prostrate in front of the altar, that was really moving to see. As well as the fact that near the end both Bishop Salvatore and Bishop Cummins recieved Fr. Ian Mendoza's first blessing, that was something! That was very powerful seeing that because how many times does one get to see both of the bishops recieve a first blessing by a priest? I bet if he remembers one thing it would be that he gave both bishops his first blessing.
The downside was that after mass there was a reception. Both my mom and I wanted to go, my aunt and I waited until my mom was finished changing since she had to pull off those great looking cathedral choir robes. While she was switching to her regular clothes, my aunt and I had to go to the restroom. So we went to the other side, my aunt I could tell was tired afterwards. So, in the end we did not go to the reception, we just left and went back home. Although, this is the rest of what happened, my encounter with Bishop Salvatore :) before we left: my aunt hurried back to wait for my mom, I was following hurriedly, although I paused when I saw Bishop Salvatore, he was saying hi to all the other priests before he entered the reception. I shook Bishop Salvatore's hand saying "Hi Bishop Salvatore." I figured why not say "hi" since he is the Bishop after all and he was behind me. He caught my eyes and my eyes met his.
I felt very reverent and humbled to be that close to the Bishop. It is something to acknowledge the fact that the Bishop is like a celebrity in the Religious world. Bishop Salvatore plays it off nicely. He does not act arrogant or rude in any way, he simply is just himself. I never quite understand the way I end up feeling so reverent or humbled whenever I meet these religious figures such as Bishops. Although perhaps it is because I still have that gnawing in the back of my head that tells me I should be a nun...that I have a higher purpose, one that I have not yet fulfilled. Although one that I have not said yes too.
Perhaps it is because I feel like I can escape it for a good while. Although I find as much as I do try to pull away, that gnawing is in the back of my mind constantly to become a nun. Who knows? Maybe I will, maybe I won't.
All I know is, the ordination mass was one I will never forget in my mind. The ordination mass and the chrism mass. The chrism mass is another such mass I will never forget that I still have really good memories of and really good memories of the Bishop himself.
Anyways continuing on with what the mass was about, the mass was the oridination of Ian Mendoza. Now Father Ian Mendoza, it was interesting for my mom and I having never seen an ordination mass before. The way he laid down prostrate in front of the altar, that was really moving to see. As well as the fact that near the end both Bishop Salvatore and Bishop Cummins recieved Fr. Ian Mendoza's first blessing, that was something! That was very powerful seeing that because how many times does one get to see both of the bishops recieve a first blessing by a priest? I bet if he remembers one thing it would be that he gave both bishops his first blessing.
The downside was that after mass there was a reception. Both my mom and I wanted to go, my aunt and I waited until my mom was finished changing since she had to pull off those great looking cathedral choir robes. While she was switching to her regular clothes, my aunt and I had to go to the restroom. So we went to the other side, my aunt I could tell was tired afterwards. So, in the end we did not go to the reception, we just left and went back home. Although, this is the rest of what happened, my encounter with Bishop Salvatore :) before we left: my aunt hurried back to wait for my mom, I was following hurriedly, although I paused when I saw Bishop Salvatore, he was saying hi to all the other priests before he entered the reception. I shook Bishop Salvatore's hand saying "Hi Bishop Salvatore." I figured why not say "hi" since he is the Bishop after all and he was behind me. He caught my eyes and my eyes met his.
I felt very reverent and humbled to be that close to the Bishop. It is something to acknowledge the fact that the Bishop is like a celebrity in the Religious world. Bishop Salvatore plays it off nicely. He does not act arrogant or rude in any way, he simply is just himself. I never quite understand the way I end up feeling so reverent or humbled whenever I meet these religious figures such as Bishops. Although perhaps it is because I still have that gnawing in the back of my head that tells me I should be a nun...that I have a higher purpose, one that I have not yet fulfilled. Although one that I have not said yes too.
Perhaps it is because I feel like I can escape it for a good while. Although I find as much as I do try to pull away, that gnawing is in the back of my mind constantly to become a nun. Who knows? Maybe I will, maybe I won't.
All I know is, the ordination mass was one I will never forget in my mind. The ordination mass and the chrism mass. The chrism mass is another such mass I will never forget that I still have really good memories of and really good memories of the Bishop himself.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Bishop Salvatore Cordileone
I know Bishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone has been repeatedly criticized for starting Proposition 8 regarding gay marriages. However I truly believe that Bishop Salvatore does not adamnantly criticize people of gay or lesbian marriages. He does not go out of his way to point them out. Yes, it is something I am not for, I must say I'm against Proposition 8, although you must question before accusing anyone. Bishop Salvatore is a human just like all of us, and he is strictly Catholic...of course all Bishops are pretty much all strict Catholics. So it does make sense for him to have started Proposition 8. In order to try to make a win for the church...which indeed happened. However much the Catholic church does contradict itself much like the government. I will or and would not turn away from being a Catholic, though I am not like the Bishops and some others an insanely strict Catholic. We must ask ourselves in times like these which ways are be a strict observer and not allow any freedom or to be open to all things...
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